2016年US News美国大学排名情况如下:
- 最佳本科商学院排名第114位
- 博士类最佳本科工程学院排名第98位
- 最佳研究生教育学排名第73位
- 最佳研究生图书馆信息学排名第15位
- 最佳研究生化学专业排名第117位
- 最佳研究生计算机专业排名第110位
- 最佳研究生工程学院排名第127位
- 土木工程专业排名第81位
- 材料工程排名第70位
- 机械工程排名第88位
- 电子与通信工程排名第105位
- 工业/制造/系统工程排名第64位
- 最佳研究生物理学专业排名第130位
- 最佳研究生数学专业排名第108位
- 最佳研究生生物科学专业排名第144位
- 最佳研究生心理学专业排名第101位
- 最佳研究生美术专业第62位
- 最佳研究生英语专业排名第52位
- 最佳研究生政治学专业排名第61位
- 最佳研究生公共事务专业排名第59位
- 申请费44美元+成绩单评估费40美元
- 高中成绩单与毕业证(如高三在读,需在读证明);如果大学在读申请转学,需提供大学成绩单与在读证明
- 提交护照复印件
- 英文要求:TOEFL iBT 68分或IELTS 5.5分
- 按要求提供资金证明文件(申请I-20)
- 申请截止日期:秋季入学3月1日;春季入学8月1日
备注:申请College of Engineering & Applied Science需要提交SAT或ACT成绩
- 申请费56美元+成绩单评估费40美元
- 大学成绩单,GPA至少3.0以上。学校官方成绩单(中英文),必须用学校信封封装并在封口处加盖学校公章,不接受经过公证的成绩单
- 如已毕业,提供学士学位公证件;如在读,提供显示取得学士学位日期的在读证明
- 托福iBT成绩79分以上;托福低于68分以下者,学校不予审理
- 按要求提供资金证明文件(申请I-20)
- 两位推荐教授
- 成绩优秀的学生,可帮助申请奖学金
- 语言中心申请费:100美元;每申请一所大学另收取125美元费用
- I-20快递费:75美元
- 学费:2,195美元/学期
- 住宿:学校宿舍(不包餐)2013年1,440美元/学期,2014年1,480美元/学期;Homestay(包餐)2013年1,440美元/学期,2014年1,480美元/学期
- Beginning Levels (100-200)
Reading; Grammar; Writing; Communication
- Intermediate Levels (300-400)
Grammar; Reading; Writing; Communication; Pronunciation (level 400 only)
- Advanced Levels (500-600)
Academic Reading; Reading for Pleasure; Grammar; Business Across Cultures; Academic Writing; Academic Listening; Communication/Culture; Pronunciation; Vocabulary
- Academic & Professional Skills (700-800)
Academic Reading; Academic Listening & Speaking; Business; Modern Literature; Grammar; Communication/Culture; Pronunciation; Slang, Listening & Everyday English
2013年 2014年
春季1:1月3日-2月26日 1月2日-2月25日
春季2:3月4日-4月25日 3月3日- 4月24日
夏季1:4月29日-6月21日 4月28日-6月20日
夏季2:7月1日-8月23日 6月30日-8月22日
秋季1:9月3日-10月25日 9月2日-10月24日
秋季2:10月28日-12月20日 10月27日-12月19日
- 密尔沃基工程学院 Milwaukee School of Engineering (毕业生就业率94%,平均起薪55,368美元/年;硕士类最佳本科工程学院全美排名第10位)
- 马凯特大学 Marquette University (全美综合排名第76位 )
- 埃奇伍德学院 Edgewood College (文理学院,全美综合排名179位)
- 威斯康星大学系统9所大学:
- 威斯康星大学苏比略校区 University of Wisconsin, Superior (我们可为国际学生申请至少5,500美元/年的奖学金)
- 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔校区 University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
- 威斯康星大学拉克罗斯校区 University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
- 威斯康星大学奥什科什校区 University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh (本科与研究生均可获得国际学生奖学金!获得奖学金后本科学费7,400美元/年,研究生学费8,619美元/年)
- 威斯康星大学绿湾校区 University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
- 威斯康星大学普莱维尔校区 University of Wisconsin, Platteville (本科生可获得5,000美元/年的国际学生奖学金;最佳本科工程学院全美排名第44位)
- 威斯康星大学斯蹈特校区 University of Wisconsin, Stout (最佳本科工程学院全美排名115)
- 威斯康星大学白水校区 University of Wisconsin, White Water
- 威斯康星大学密尔沃基校区 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (学生在美国完成语言学习之后才可申请录取,申请时用语言成绩代替TOEFL)
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services 25%
- Health Professions and Related Programs 9%
- Education 8%
- Visual and Performing Arts 8%
- Social Sciences 6%
Major Degree Programs
- Accounting BBA(4-year plan)
- Actuarial Science BA(4-year plan)
- Africology BA(4-year plan)
- American Sign Language Studies BS(4-year plan)
- American Indian Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Anthropology BA(4-year plan)
- Archaeology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Linguistics
- Physical Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science BS(4-year plan)
- Architectural Studies BSAS(4-year plan)
- Art & Design BA BFA(4-year plan)
- Art Education (K‐12)
- Ceramics
- Digital Studio Practice
- Fibers
- Graphic Design
- Jewelry & Metalsmithing
- Painting & Drawing
- Photography
- Print & Narrative Forms
- Sculpture
- Art Education BFA(4-year plan).
- Art History & Criticism BA(4-year plan)
- Athletic Training BS(4-year plan)
- Atmospheric Sciences BS(4-year plan)
- Biochemistry BS(4-year plan)
- Biological Sciences BA BS(4-year plan)
- Biomedical Sciences BS(4-year plan)
- Biomedical Sciences
- Cytotechnology
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Public Health Microbiology
- Radiologic Technology
- Chemistry BA BS(4-year plan)
- Civil Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation & Municipal Engineering
- Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
- Classics BA(4-year plan)
- Classical Civilization
- Greek
- Latin
- Communication BA(4-year plan)
- Interpersonal Communication / Conflict Management
- Organizational / Professional Communication
- Intercultural / Global Communication
- Rhetorical / Public Communication
- Communication Sciences & Disorders BS(4-year plan)
- School
- Health Care
- Community Engagement & Education BS(4-year plan)
- Child Care
- Community‐Based Organizations Policy & Leadership
- Comparative Literature BA(4-year plan)
- Computer Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- Computer Architecture & Embedded Systems
- VLSI & Computer Aided Design
- Computer Networks & Communication Systems
- Computer Graphics & Human Computer Interfaces
- Software Engineering
- Medical & Bio Informatics
- Computer Science BS(4-year plan)
- Conservation and Environmental Science BA BS(4-year plan)
- Land Resources
- Water Resources
- Environmental Analysis
- Biological Resources
- Course in Chemistry BS(4-year plan)
- Criminal Justice BS(4-year plan)
- Dance BA BFA(4-year plan)
- Dance
- Performance & Choreography
- Economics BA(4-year plan)
- Electrical Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- Education BS / Teacher Certification(4-year plan)
- Early Childhood
- Elementary & Middle
- Secondary
- Educational Studies BS(4-year plan)
- English BA(4-year plan)
- Literary & Critical Studies
- Rhetoric & Writing
- Creative Writing
- English Language & Linguistics
- Literature, Culture, & Media
- Literature & Language Studies
- Professional & Technical Writing
- Ethnic Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Exceptional Education BS(4-year plan)
- Film BFA(4-year plan)
- Film / Video / Animation / New Genres
- Conceptual Studies in Media Arts Production
- Photography
- Film Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Finance BBA(4-year plan)
- French BA(4-year plan)
- Geography BA BS(4-year plan)
- Geographic Information
- Urban
- Environmental
- Physical Systems
- Regional & Educational
- Geosciences BA BS(4-year plan)
- German BA(4-year plan)
- Global Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Global Cities
- Global Communications
- Global Management
- Global Security
- Health Care Administration BS(4-year plan)
- Health Informatics & Administration
- History BA(4-year plan)
- Human Resources Management BBA(4-year plan)
- Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- Information Science & Technology BS(4-year plan)
- Information Technology Management BBA(4-year plan)
- Inter-Arts BFA(4-year plan)
- Dual Discipline
- Interdisciplinary Arts & Technology
- Musical Theatre
- International Studies BA(4-year plan)
- International Economics & Development
- International Politics & U.S. Foreign Relations
- Interpreter Training BS(4-year plan)
- Italian BA(4-year plan)
- Jewish Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Hebrew Studies
- Jewish Cultural Studies
- Journalism, Advertising and Media Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Journalism/Documentary
- Media Studies
- Kinesiology BS(4-year plan)
- Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Linguistics BA(4-year plan)
- Marketing BBA(4-year plan)
- Materials Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- Mathematics BA BS(4-year plan)
- Basic
- Applied
- Computational
- Pure
- Statistics
- Mechanical Engineering BSE(4-year plan)
- General Mechanical Engineering
- Thermal Sciences
- Mechanical Systems
- Microbiology BS(4-year plan)
- Music BA BFA(4-year plan)
- Composition & Technology
- History & Literature
- Music Education (PreK-12)
- Performance
- Music Education BFA(4-year plan)
- Nursing BS(4-year plan)
- Nutritional Sciences BS(4-year plan)
- Occupational Studies BS(4-year plan)
- Philosophy BA(4-year plan)
- Physics BA BS(4-year plan)
- Standard Physics
- Astronomy
- Political Science BA(4-year plan)
- Law Studies
- Psychology BA(4-year plan)
- Religious Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Russian BA(4-year plan)
- Social Work BS(4-year plan)
- Sociology BA(4-year plan)
- Spanish BA(4-year plan)
- Studio Art BA
- Supply Chain & Operations Management BBA(4-year plan)
- Theatre BA BFA(4-year plan)
- Acting
- Applied Theatre
- Costume Production
- Design
- Musical Theatre
- Playwriting & Dramaturgy
- Stage Management
- Theatrical Production
- Theatrical Education (PreK-12)
- Urban Studies BA(4-year plan)
- Women's Studies BA(4-year plan)
Minor Programs
- American Sign Language Studies
- Actuarial Science
- Africology
- Anthropology
- Architecture Studies
- Art History
- Atmospheric Science
- Biological Sciences
- Business French
- Business German
- Business Spanish
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Classics
- Communication
- Community Engagement & Education
- Computer Science
- Comparative Literature
- Conservation & Environmental Science
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- General Business
- Geography
- Geosciences
- German
- Global Studies
- Health Care Administration
- History
- Industrial Engineering
- Information Science & Technology
- International Studies
- Italian
- Japanese
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism, Advertising, & Media Studies
- Latin
- Linguistics
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Portuguese
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Russian
- Sociology
- Somatics
- Spanish
- Structural Engineering
- Theatre
- Women's Studies
Masters Degree Programs
- Anthropology MS
- Architecture MArch
- Architecture & Urban Planning MArch-MUP
- Art MA MFA
- Art Education MS
- Art History MA
- Biological Sciences MS
- Business Administration MBA
- Business Administration MS-Management
- Business Administration Executive MBA
- Chemistry MS
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences MS
- Communication MA
- Communication Sciences and Disorders MS
- Computer Science MS
- Criminal Justice MS
- Cultural Foundations of Education MS
- Curriculum and Instruction MS
- Dance MFA
- Economics MA
- Educational Psychology MS
- Educational Psychology: School Counseling MS
- Educational Psychology: School Psychology EdS
- Educational Psychology: Community Counseling MS
- Engineering MS
- English MA
- Film MFA
- Freshwater Sciences & Technology MS
- Geography MA MS
- Geosciences MS
- Health Care Informatics MS
- History MA
- Human Resources and Labor Relations MHRLR
- Kinesiology MS
- Language Literature and Translation MA
- Liberal Studies MLS
- Linguistics MA
- Mathematics MS
- Media Studies MA
- Music MM
- Nonprofit Management and Leadership MS
- Nursing Practice DNP
- Nursing MS
- Occupational Therapy MS
- Performing Arts MFA
- Philosophy MA
- Physical Therapy DPT
- Physics MS
- Political Science MA
- Psychology MS
- Public Administration MPA
- Public Health MPH
- Social Work MSW
- Sociology MA
- Spanish MA
- Urban Planning MUP
- Urban Planning & Engineering MUP-MS
- Urban Studies MS
- Women's Studies MA
Doctoral Degree Programs
- Africology PhD
- Anthropology PhD
- Architecture PhD
- Biological Sciences PhD
- Chemistry PhD
- Communication PhD
- Economics PhD
- Educational Psychology PhD
- Counseling Psychology
- School Psychology
- Learning & Development
- Educational Statistics & Measurement
- Engineering PhD
- English PhD
- Environmental and Occupational Health PhD
- Freshwater Sciences PhD
- Geography PhD
- Geosciences PhD
- Health Sciences PhD
- History PhD
- Information Studies PhD
- Linguistics PhD
- Management Science PhD
- Mathematics PhD
- Medical Informatics PhD
- Multidisciplinary Committee-Directed PhD
- Nursing PhD
- Physics PhD
- Political Science PhD
- Psychology PhD
- Public Health: Community & Behavioral Health Promotion PhD
- Social Work PhD
- Sociology PhD
- Urban Education PhD
- Urban Studies PhD
- Advanced Studies (CAS) in Archives & Records Administration
- Aging, Special Program in the Study of
- American Indian Studies
- Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Applied Gerontology
- Art Museum Studies
- Asian Studies
- Assistive Technology & Accessible Design
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Celtic Studies
- Chamber Music Performance
- Childhood & Adolescence Studies
- Community Leadership
- Community Organizing
- Comparative Ethnic Studies
- Cultures and Communities
- Death Investigation
- Digital Arts & Culture
- Digital Libraries, School of Information Studies
- Electronics Instrumentation, College of Engineering & Applied Science
- Energy Engineering, College of Engineering & Applied Science
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Entrepreneurship
- Ergonomics
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Forensic Science
- Forensic Toxicology
- French and Francophone Studies
- Geographic Information Systems (Urban)
- German Studies
- Health Care Informatics
- Health Professional Education
- Hmong Diaspora Studies
- Information Studies
- Intensive English Program
- International Business
- International Human Resources & Labor Relations
- International Technical Communication
- Interpreter Training
- Investment Management
- Jewish Studies
- Latin American & Caribbean Studies
- Latino Studies
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Studies
- Marriage & Family Therapy
- Mediation & Negotiation
- Middle Eastern & North African Studies
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Museum Studies
- Nonprofit Management
- Nutrition
- Older Adult Fitness
- Opera & the Vocal Arts
- Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution
- Pre-medical Studies
- Preservation Studies
- Professional Writing & Communication
- Public Health
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Development
- Rhetorical Leadership
- Russian & East European Studies
- Scandinavian Studies
- Specialist Certificate in Administrative Leadership
- State & Local Taxation
- Strength & Conditioning
- Study of Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- Study of Liberal Arts through Great Books
- Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL-undergraduate level)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL-graduate level)
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Translation
- Urban Planning Studies
- Urban Studies
- Women's Studies
- Youth Work
Graduate-level Certificates
- Administrative Leadership
- Adult / University Level TES OL
- Applied Gerontology
- Archives and Records Administration
- Exceptional Education
- Geographic Information Systems
- Health Professional Education
- International Human Resources and Labor Relations
- Instructional Library Media Specialist
- International Technical Communication
- Library and Information Science
- Marriage and Family Therapy
- Mediation and Negotiation
- Museum Studies
- Nonprofit Management
- Opera and Vocal Arts
- Preservation Studies
- Professional Writing and Communication
- Public Health Graduate
- Real Estate Development
- Rhetorical Leadership
- School Social Work
- Specialist in Administrative Leadership
- State and Local Taxation
- Teacher
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Translation
- Women's Studies